Routine Building Email Series

Routines Don’t Have To Be Boring!

There’s a lot to be said about keeping a routine. It can improve overall health, well-being, and productivity. When it comes to creating your perfect routine, the number one rule is to make it work for you.

Did you know some of the most successful people are sticklers for routine? It’s true. Anyone who has children has heard how important structure is for kids, but adults benefit too. Routine provides a sense of structure and familiarity and allows you to organize your life so that it makes sense to you.

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck or standing still while everyone around you is getting things done in life? Having the right routine can provide direction in your life, enabling you to act instead of standing still.

If you’re ready to experience the power of developing a routine that works for you and helps you accomplish your goals, opt-in for my upcoming Routine Building Email Series.

Meet Scott , The Creator of This Email Series

In 1998, Scott began to provide financial planning, along with wealth and risk management solutions. He received his RFC® designation in 2014. He focuses on guiding his clients in 3 key ways: Avoid making financial mistakes; Maintaining and increasing cash flow; Takeing advantage of financial opportunities.
As an independent fiduciary advisor, Scott has the freedom to work for his clients and has developed and refined a proprietary process that puts and keeps in place all the pieces of the financial puzzle, and he calls it “The Swing FORMula™“ His process helps his clients achieve their financial goals and a “work-optional lifestyle.”
When it comes time to relax Scott enjoys taking in all the outdoors has to offer. From spending time outside with his grandkids, to riding horses, and skiing. To Scott the great outdoors keeps him focused and excited.
Scott and his wife Mary love to travel and enjoy all the world has to offer. He often visits the Rocky Mountains for skiing with his son Ross, and Wyoming to enjoy the great expanses with his horses.

Created by: Scott Kline

Scott Kline

Creatures of Habit

We’re all creatures of habit; we live in a specific comfort zone and tend to stay there. However, if your habits aren’t healthy, you wind up harming yourself. Instead, use your habits for building better health.

Habits often develop out of necessity- you have to get the kids ready for school, so you get up at a particular time… Many of our habits are also unconsciously formed. Maybe as soon as you get home from work, you sit on the sofa to catch up on a show. Before you know it, it’s time for bed, and you just spent 4 hours on the couch.

Once you recognize your current harmful habits, you can actively and consciously build a daily routine that instills plenty of good habits. Bad habits can be tough to break, and goods ones take time to develop. However, creating a routine for yourself that promotes better habits will lead to success.

I Can’t Wait to Share More with You!